09 March 2006

I`m in Tokyo! This place is amazing (somewhat of an understatement).

It`s taken me a while to update this because I`ve mainly been asleep since I got here. Not quite synched with Japanese time yet - plus I was unable to add anything at Heathrow airport due to my page being filtered out for being `Hard-core Pornography`!?! I may write a lot of bollocks, but I don`t post any pictures of them...

Off in a minute to visit the Mori art museum at the aptly named Mori Towers so I`ll come back and add photos later, but my first impressions of Tokyo are:

1) The flight over Japan shows most of the country as hills with big trees on them - jam-packed you could say. Anything not on a hill or not covered with trees is built on. I`m sure Japan holds the record for longest and thinnest towns in the world as most seem to be built in tiny valleys.

2) Continuing the theme, there`s no brownfield space that I`ve seen yet (and the train goes through half the town). If it`s not got a house on it then it`s a paddy field or a car park. Contrasting with my previous train trip (from Waterloo to Hampton court to see Raj) where it took ten minutes to see a working building.

3) The stuff that grows in railway sidings here is bamboo - infinitely preferable to the british equivalent of blackberries, empty carrier bags and discarded porn mags.

4) The train from Narita airport costs as much as the Heathrow express but takes an hour and a half at higher speeds to get into Tokyo. This is about as long as the train from Bristol but at a quarter of the cost. Plus the train rolls into the airport station, they clean it thoroughly and then the seats all turn round before they clean it again and then it rolls out the way it came in. This way you always face the way the train is going. Genius.

5) Oh yeah, plus the seats all turn round. I took a picture :)

6) I`m staying in Roppongi which is a bit like a cross between Kings Cross and Leicester Square. I was offered a strip club, a polish prostitute and a japanese `massage` in the short walk back from the English pub (one of about 6 in the area) after an attempt to catch the champions league footie last night.

7) Sushi restuarant or Tempura bar tonight? :)



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