01 February 2006

Hmmmm. A week to be creative in the evenings methinks. No telly as girl 2 took that with her and don't want to go to the pub and drink another J-2-bloody-O on me tod, as bad things happen to me in pubs (like last night, for example, where Spurs got mugged by Fulham in injury time to lose 1-0) at the moment.

I also have no cutlery as that belonged to girl 2 as well, so pizza for me tonight unless I can find a late-night cutlery shop in the small coastal town I'm living in - that stays open past 7pm. Not asking for much am I?

I also cannot do any washing because girl 2 broke the door handle to the washing machine and you need a swiss army knife to get it open (which, yes, she took with her), so I'll be on the look-out for one of those on the way home tonight as well. Admittedly I could've just gone shopping at lunchtime but that defeats the hunter-gatherer instinct. I shall, in all probability, be heating a tin of beans on the one working radiator before eating with my security pass - but at least I shall have tried....

Or I could get a curry (though they're a bit dodgy up here and very expensive), or a mouth-watering Teeside special (and this isn't a joke) called a 'Parmesan' which is a chicken breast rolled flat and quite thin and used as a pizza base with lots of cheese. It's not uncommon to see people ordering a Parmesan with Pepperoni topping up here. Heathens the lot of them. Everyone knows you should have your Parmesan with chilli, muchrooms and extra chips.....


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