15 February 2006

Well I've started work this week (yesterday, in fact) and at the moment it's going well. I've got a fixed-price contract to develop a field-level domain search module for domino using Ajax (buzz-word apparently. All the google searches I did came up with the football team! :) ). I know nothing about it and it looked likely to be a struggle to finish in three weeks - however after a few breakthroughs today I may just be finished early.

Which is good news because I go on holiday on the 7th March! Yes, it's all booked and I leave for Tokyo early on the 7th, before heading to Sydney to see foreign girl 1, before flying to Wellington to check New Zealand out and then finally coming home via the Hong Kong Sevens and seeing my mate Rupes. And all by the 8th April, a bit whistlestop but it's a good compromise of fun and not being bankrupt... :)

So this week I'm up before 7 every day to make my train, and getting back after half seven every night, but it's only a few weeks to go! And last night I passed the emergency aid part of my coaching course and have the full-day's training on saturday to look forward to before driving up to the midlands to see S and have a Murder Mystery evening (with me fully turbaned up - a potential picture moment if at all possible) before coming back here on Sunday for my only day off in feb. So busy, but better than being bored! :)

And more importantly, Spurs better bloody win against Wigan on Sunday or I'm gonna have to go to WHL and kick some arse.


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