15 January 2006

Bugger. Okay, we got completely bollocked on Friday afternoon for using t'internet for personal use (even at lunchtimes). This, it turns out, is a sackable offence - along with not having a tidy desktop (physical) or corporate desktop (computer).

Great, so now I have to do the world's most boring job WITHOUT THE INTERNET. Sorry, shouldn't shout but it's hard to face a whole day WITHOUT THE INTERNET. And even worse, I'm not finishing in two weeks like I thought I was, but the week after. I feel like crying.... :(

So this will be my last post until next weekend (yay!, says the world). Adieu, aufwiedersehen, farewell....

P.S. Yeah, and we lost to Liverpool too. Bastards! :)


At 16 January 2006 at 20:58, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its funny - I'm in Denmark and I'm getting free broadband pretty much whereever I go and you are in the third world country that is England - and ur stumped.

And I know you will not read this for ages!

Spurs are not so good at the minute - Leicester are shocking - Levein out Levein out - etc etc

Did you know the Danes speak better English than the er English?


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