10 January 2006

Countdown clock: 14 days to work and counting....

Countup clock: 10 days sans les bieres and counting....

[I tried putting the above as dynamic clocks but I'm not allowed to use javascript apparently. Grrrrr.]

I've now fully recovered from our loss on Sunday to crappy Leicester and have decided that I don't care as it's only the FA Cup and we can (honestly) concentrate on the league for once. Anyone who says anything different is just bitter....

So what's happened since the weekend? Hmmm. Not a lot really. Slept. Ate. Got bored at work. Got an email off foreign girl 1 which was nice as I hadn't heard from her since xmas, and chatted briefly to S in Hong Kong who's mentioned the 7's tournament at the end of March which fits in pretty well with my holiday plans. Though it does mean I'm secretly hoping to be unemployed by mid-Feb... :)

Things I have learnt in the last 24 hours:

1) The entire first series of Lost on DVD is vastly overpriced at £45. I still ordered it though.

2) It's possible to get RSI from pressing Ctrl-V.

3) Socks in ASDA are very cheap, but don't tell you where they're made. Hmmmm, chinese sweat shop perhaps? Does this make them sweaty socks from the off?

4) It seems to be impossible to dry a duvet cover and a pair of jeans in a tumble dryer at the same time.

5) The Creative Zen Micro mp3 player really is fantastic - lasts a whole day without recharging.

6) I have really good music taste.

7) Do too :-P

8) Used cars are quite expensive except for mine which appears to be worth next to nothing (less than an S-Reg Golf Diesel for fuck's sake!)

9) Liverpool have already played 36 competitive matches this season - Spurs will play a maximum of 40 all season.

10) The world is full of some very, very stupid people - as can be seen from the posts of mr_oo3 in the following (vaguely intellectual) thread: http://forum.football365.com/index.php?t=msg&th=97164&start=0 And I always thought New Zealand was such a nice place - obviously too much in-breeding in the sheep population.


At 11 January 2006 at 13:14, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crappy Leicester I can almost accept this season (but now we have signed a 19year old superstar from Walsall we will win the FA Cup - you can concentrate on other things) - but you having taste in music is definately not correct!

At 11 January 2006 at 14:37, Blogger Red Squirrel said...

I refer you to point 7, my main man (been learning from Jol)....

Plus, a) it's spelt definitely and b) I seem to remember you going to two A3 concerts I organised! :-P


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