20 October 2005

Thursday. Normally a mixed day in that work is done, but the looming weekend means that surfy surfy takes precedence. Also the night I usually go and see my gran (who lives in these parts) and do my dutiful grandson bit. Not that it's a chore but so little happens of substance in a week of any interest to a 91 year old that conversation can become stilted at times...

But this Thursday is different because I'm off to Deutschland tomorrow (to see new niece) so will only be doing a half-day tomorrow (especially as oversleeping this morning - ich? - has scuppered my plans of making the hours up this week). Unfortunately, the amount of work to do means that t'interweb use has been minimal today (foreign girl 1 being on a date means she won't be on-line tonight - her time - so I won't be on MSN for an hour or two unlike yesterday afternoon. Despite going on a date foreign girl 1 has now decided to go to Taiwan to teach english from next month. I struggle to keep up sometimes...). Not that any bugger has emailed me anything interesting today anyway, so it's a moot point.

I've been trying to get in contact with the some of the guys from the wedding (in attempt to catch up with them in a couple of weeks time when I'm in London for spurs v arsenal, and possibly F as well ;) ) but have discovered all the phone numbers I have are hopelessly out of date. I'll wait until after this weekend as disturbing C's honeymoon to get an email address is probably bad form...

Ho hum, back to work....


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