26 September 2005

It's Monday again, depressingly, but half the day has gone already in meetings so I can't complain too much. About 7 hours of meetings tomorrow as well to endure. No-one can waste as much money and time as a local government employee - the two meetings tomorrow are on the same thing but two people can't make the first meeting so we're having it twice and just swapping a couple of members.

Plus they're paying me, which is a colossal waste of cash....

On the positive side both meetings contain what will officially become known as girl 5. Certainly an improvement on anything else up here in that regard....

Weekend was good. Friday I got back to find girl 1 in foul mood (over something very, very stupid she'd done on thursday which I heard about on sunday and can't really mention in detail but was truly moronic). Just in case it was something I'd done I turned up with chocolate (it's like being married sometimes....) which went down well. I went to bed early to read a book (The Peshawar Lancers which is an alternative history sort of thing) that I'd struggled to get into initially so settled in with a can of beer to give it another go. Next thing I know it's 5am and I've just finished all 8 cans of beer I bought for the weekend. A great read but I suffered from the lack of sleep and hangover on saturday....

Saturday evening was spent down further south from where I live (in proper oo-ah country) visiting F an old contracting mate and K her new bloke. Spent a very pleasant evening eating lasagne (with a layer of bacon :-/ ) and watching a few DVDs (including my new A3 DVD - quality). Back up home on Sunday to cook roast dinner with girl 1 (her mate girl 4 couldn't make it :( ) which was top, got briefed on girl 1's 'Idiot Moment Of The Year' nomination, and then drove up north to find that Sunderland had beaten Middlesbrough that day. This is good as entire office apart from girl 2 and myself are serious Boro fans and I'd copped some stick about the grimsby result last week - now it turns out that girl 2 is a sunderland fan. Revenge, even by proxy, is sweet....

Spurs v Fulham on telly tonight. Pub, paper, pizza on way home. It's a life....


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