11 October 2005

An interesting day for once (well, part of it, don't want to get your hopes up that I might post something interesting!). Due to the increasingly scarce funds in my account I thought it was about time I paid myself for last month - and with where I live during the week being small and northern the bank doesn't open until 10am when it suddenly fills with 50 grannies with shopping baskets (all of whom cannot hear what the counter staff say so the bank resounds to repeated shouts of 'EH?').

I'm too lazy to get my business account on-lined, before anyone suggests it.

Anyway, turned up at work at 10:30 only to be told to go home as the network had died an unseemly death. Great - no work, no pay. Get home, get changed to go for a long walk along the cliffs and into the Moors when I get called back into work as everything is fixed. So obviously I'm majorly motivated by this point, but money is money (and there are so many things worth exchanging it for....)

Luckily Foriegn Girl 1 came on-line after weeks (or at least it feels like it) of MSN silence so we had a good chat and catch up. Looks like she'll actually be in one place long enough to coordinate my holiday to that hemisphere after all. This would be cool as impending 5am flight from La Paz curtailed our last drinking session! :)

Now all I have to do is save up enough money (once, er, getting new fireplace is paid for...)!


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