29 September 2005

Yawn! I'm bored again today, the difference to my usual day being that boss is on holiday so I've managed to bore myself surfing the web most of the day rather then the typical bored-by-work one. Means I'll probably be uber-productive tomorrow as I'll have no distractions. Suits me....

Besides, it's too hot to work. I'm sitting here boiling in the direct sunshine and guess what? The fucking radiator is blasting away too (probably because one of the several hundred middle-aged ex-council employees in the building is cold) and because I'm working in a glorified two-storey portacabin that was built 30 years ago with a projected lifespan of 15 years (if more than 3 people stand in the office directly above us then we can't close our doors because the frames buckle...) it's not possible to turn the individual radiators off or even down a bit.

So stuff 'em. I'll work tomorrow instead....

Foreign girl 1 didn't come on-line today like she promised to unfortunately. I'd been looking forward to having a nice long chat on MSN. Hopefully she'll turn up tomorrow and that'll help break up a day of strenuous mental effort. Girl 5 turns out to have a bloke, but she's a good laugh so still someone to look forward to meetings with. We had a couple on Tuesday in different parts of the borough and it was beyond surreal.

The first was in the borough's wedding chapel with us all (10 people) sitting on those plush velvet chairs you always get in those places - techies on the groom's side, registrars on the bride's. We were then treated to the Senior Registrar In The North East (who was visiting for no apparent reason) talking non-stop for 45 minutes - without visibly breathing - about the same point which he simply (and quite brilliantly if he was perhaps practicing to be a panelist on Just-An-Hour) repeated over and over again without repetition or hesitation. If the meeting had been chess, the equivalent opening gambit would have been to smack your opponent round the head with the clock....

2 hours later we had reached no discernible conclusion so left. The only positive side was that I'd got paid nearly £100 to sit there. One hour later we started the same meeting again in another building (thankfully without the Senior Registrar) and spent 4 hours finding out one department had spent 2 years gathering their information together for the website and it was all a) wrong, b) out of date and c) shite.

So both tuesday and wednesday nights were spent in the pub watching football, a bit like monday night were Spurs scraped past Fulham to go 4th in the league. I am keeping a lid on my drinking, honest!


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