13 September 2005

A Brief Who's Who (added later so not an early post)

Red Squirrel = Me (that was hard)
Girl1 = my lodger at my home address for a few years (now moved out)
Girl2 = my housemate when I was living away from home during the week a while back
GGTW = a friend and neighbour
token = a friend and old work-colleague
hobbit = a friend and old work-colleague
rm = a friend and old work-colleague
Stalker Girl = a regretted dalliance with a teenager last year. She hasn't been stalking me. Oh no.
Project Gasping Lung = my new hobby/side project
Project Innumerate Pentagon = my board game (in production. It'll have a better name than that. Honest)
Anonymous = anyone too chicken to give their real made-up name :)


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