24 March 2006

I'm currently stuck at the ferry terminal where bad weather has delayed the boat yet again. I've only got another 3 hours to wait - the seas look nasty out there....

I know I was joking when I called the Cook Straight placid last night, but as the hotel receptionist said this morning ("Oh geez, look out! Worst crossing in the world in bad weather mate") the wind is high enough to make it borderline as to whether the crossings are halted or not. As I said, I hate boats....

I've not seen that much of Wellington but will factor in these sorts of delays when coming back so should have an afternoon and evening to wander around next week before I fly out. Hopefully!

Could whomever left the comment about snooker, a blond and a place called K please tell me what it meant? The only place I can remember being that starts with a K is Kiro's in Ashby (spelling is not a strong point in The Zouch - the town motto is Pilferio, Fumio, Vendio which roughly translates as Stole it, Smoked it, Sold it). Deeply scary place!

Well I've got to find a phone card as none of the payphones here take coins and seeing as won't arrive in Picton until about 8 I'll need to book a car/hotel in advance. Laters.


At 24 March 2006 at 02:52, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That'll be me then. How quickly you forget, isn't the Kenny worth remembering now you are travelling? Well probably not if you take the current bar staff/landlords antics into account. All well over here, just back from R's. R's? Thought I'd keep the game going and all. And some blondes are legless.

At 24 March 2006 at 08:46, Blogger Red Squirrel said...

Ah, the Kenny! Sorry, was trying to work out where the snooker came into it...

And surely not the blonde barmaid in the Kenny? Sheesh - some people have no standards whatsoever! :)

At 24 March 2006 at 13:48, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW, it's Ciro's in Ashby, not 'Kiro's'. I know that you've been totally discombobulated every time we've gone there but the name is spray painted in two foot tall lettering on the alley wall opposite the entrance. (Along with an arrow pointing towards the door so that one doesn't confuse the entrance with the High street. Go figure.)

At 25 March 2006 at 07:06, Blogger Red Squirrel said...

Well hello, Mr. Riddick. Yes, you and I have been very drunk there quite a few times (Steve filling the sink with vomit while dressed as a school boy is an image I shall probably never be able to erase). Can't say I've ever seen the sign though! :)


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