07 September 2008

Final post

On things to do with America anyway....

Did I mention we took a stretch limo back from midtown Manhattan to Brooklyn? Did I? If not, then what happened was we took a stretch limo back from midtown Manhattan to Brooklyn.

It was awesome.

Oh, and to add the long list of heinous crimes against the English language that the USA has produced is their pronunciation of 'paedophiles'. They pronounce it 'pedophiles'.

You may feel this is a minor difference, but it has dramatic consequences for the world. We all know that americans drive everywhere they can, even to the point of having drive through cash machines. I'd always attributed this to them mainly being a bunch of lazy fat-arses, but now I see the light.

Because a 'pedophile' is someone who likes walking (derived from the latin for foot (ped) and the stem of words such as pedometer). You see? It all makes sense now. On the other hand, the greek for 'boy' is 'paed'.

I'd drive everywhere if being seen as someone who liked walking came with a mandatory life sentence.

"Ah said he wuz a pedophile. Ah saw him walk, like, two whole blocks maaaaaahhn"

So a simple failure to speak English properly results in excessive driving and the associated obesity problem, but also means the price of petrol is kept artificially low in the US which puts more and more money in the hands of Middle Eastern countries, indirectly funding the rise of extreme Islam in Saudi Arabia and the current global terrorism threat.

So basically, inability to speak properly = terrorism.

A lesson for us all there.


At 7 September 2008 at 17:11, Blogger Gorilla Bananas said...

But a pedophile is actually someone who likes sucking toes, which doesn't affect the price of oil.

At 7 September 2008 at 18:17, Blogger Unknown said...

Now I always thought that 'ped' was to do with feet but damn, now I'm giggling. You've enlightened me.

The way Americans say it is funny, but not as funny as 'fannypack.' That sets me off every time :D

At 7 September 2008 at 21:04, Blogger P said...

yes i second elle on the "fanny pack" comment - which always makes me think of those people who store things in their lady bits!

At 8 September 2008 at 13:27, Blogger Red Squirrel said...

gb - sucking toes normally preceeds (or is part of) a massage which should include oils. And aromatic herbs & spices. Though that might be KFC...

Elle - fannypack is just wrong isn't it?

paula - um, which people are these? You've disturbed me....

At 10 September 2008 at 11:39, Blogger Glamourpuss said...

I like your logic; you should work in advertising.


At 10 September 2008 at 13:00, Blogger Red Squirrel said...

puss - *shudder* I WILL NOT follow my family into advertising!


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