25 April 2007

Well, Prague's nice :)

Lot's of things are can't tell you about obviously, but I don't think I've laughed as much in years as I did this weekend.

Memorable moments include:

Winning £1200 between us playing poker in a casino - a profit of £1100. Of the five of us, four got to the final table (including me, and I've not played for ages and ages). I put it down to beers costing 75p and my random betting due to being quite wasted. Oh yeah, and a stripper phoning me up to make sure I wouldn't be late. Ha ha. I don't remember giving her my phone number!

The biggest winner out of us taking us all to a club for a private lesbian show, which descended into all of us (girls included) reduced to giggling wrecks for 20 minutes. I can't remember why.....

He also treated us to a £500 lunch the next day - though that did include £200 on a bottle of Dom Perignon 98 to go with the starters. The food was amazing - right by the main bridge!

One guy paying the following two girls £5 to kiss each other in a bar the first night. One guy had already left, so after them watching for a few minutes I tried to persuade the others to leave - resorting to taking a photo so that they could look all weekend and we could join the other guy outside. This prompted the random guy next to me to say 'Good Lad' in pure yorkshire. We only went to the classiest places *rolls eyes*

And here are the girls:

We ended up in one or two strip bars over the weekend (no dodgy shenanigans from me apart from a private dance or, um, two or three) the pick of whom was the lovely Irina -who phoned me on the Sunday night. I'm not going to object to her having my number ;)
This is Irina. I don't want to count up what I spent in drinks and the like :-O

We also went to an Ice Hockey match between the Czechs and the Finnish which was won 2-0 by the Czechs in the end. We confused everyone with a rousing rendition of 'Stand up if hate the French' :)

Oh yeah, and we did some sight-seeing too. Prague is great! :-D


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