29 January 2008

Does anyone have a rational explanation for this?

Stalker girl emailed me at the beginning of the month to apologise for all the stalking and nastiness in October/November - and to say that she wasn't actually stalking me, she was just doing it 'to annoy me'.

She also promised to post the money she owed me in three installments, starting the very next day (she asked for my address, or an address she could reach me at to post it to me). That was the end of our communication.

One month on and I've received nothing.

Sooooooooooo, why would anyone send such an email? Was it to get my address (which she had anyway I'm sure)? If so, should I be worried that someone is going to turn up at my front door (not that I did anything to her to warrant the unpleasantness anyway)?

Her motivation is a complete mystery to me. If anyone has a clue then please tell me - it might help me understand women more! :)

In other news, today was the day we were most likely to feel the effects of an asteroid that came close (like 1.4 times the distance from the Earth to the Moon which isn't very close at all) to hitting us. As expected, nothing happened. You can read up on it at www.tu24.org, though be warned, that site has some serious wack-jobs on it.

Talking of completely insane people, www.davidicke.com is always worth a laugh. For those not familiar with our David, he started off as a goalkeeper for Coventry City before becoming a wooly-haired sports presenter on the BBC. Not long after he left the BBC he declared himself as Jesus (in a creepy press conference with his whole family dressed in turquoise tracksuits) and now he believes the world is controlled by shape-shifting reptiles (of whom George Bush, Tony Blair and the Royal Family are all examples) who are breeding humans for food. Or something like that anyway.

Anytime I need a lift I just read his site and think 'things could be worse, I could be David Icke'.


At 30 January 2008 at 00:01, Blogger PrincessPolly said...

I'm glad i didn't know about the asteroid, that would have majorly freaked me out. as for stalker girl, I'm out - do not have a clue, she sounds like a freak.

At 30 January 2008 at 00:41, Blogger Red Squirrel said...

Well she is still a teenager, which might have something to do with it - but still, it's weird no?


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